A selection of my contributions to the understanding of paediatric respiratory medicine
Research literacy is key to understanding the evidence base for good paediatric care. From my early career to my academic doctoral thesis and beyond I have sought to understand the why and the how as well as the what, with my work published in the British Medical Journal, the European Respiratory Journal, The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Paediatric Respiratory Reviews and Archives of Disease in Childhood, as well as book chapters and conference abstracts.
Montelukast in Preschool wheeze "The WAIT Study"
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
This MRC-NIHR funded study of 1300 preschool children explored the genetic basis for response to one of our commonest childhood asthma drugs and formed the basis of my doctoral thesis. Read The WAIT Study here.
Preschool wheeze, genes and treatment
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
This article reviews the genetic basis for treatment of wheezing illness in preschool children.
Cycling to work in London and inhaled.. black carbon
The European Respiratory Journal
Press released at the European Respiratory Conference in Amsterdam, this research combined my passions for cycling and lung health, highlighting the impact of urban exercise on pollutant exposure.